MiniMoni Beta 0.41.3 Released – Monitor & Track Your Data Usage Free

MinimoniMainScreenThere has been quite a bit of interest in the MiniMoni Traffic Tracking application for BlackBerry recently. The application is free and just came out with a few Beta fixes that many users who were having problems will appreciate. According to the developer, AxelE, the new version should fix some of the issues with OS 4.1 that some users were experiencing.

If you don’t know what MiniMoni is you have to understand that many users are hobbled by a limited BlackBerry data plan. For these users it has been a hit and miss effort to make sure that they do not exceed their alloted data usage. Overages are expensive with each megabyte costing up to $10.

Below you will see the changelog since we last mentioned MiniMoni:

0.41.3 – 28.12.2007
– Application pops to foreground once if the limit is reached.
0.41.2 – 28.12.2007
– Fixes in the purge logbook window
0.41.0 – 27.12.2007
– Fixed the handling of the header bar. The setTitle function is no more used as the results of the overall used height were wrong in this case.
– The headerbar resides in an own noScroll area and all other elements in an scroll area.
0.40.2 – 27.12.2007
– Added a screen to start the purging of the logbooks
– Changed the way to build the main screen in order to avoid the arrow at the end
– Logbook is shown in revers order now.
0.40.1 – 24.12.2007
– Added functionality to detect if device is in roaming – not active yet.
0.40.0 – 22.12.2007
– Added functions to calculate the previous and next billing date based on the day the user chose.
– Calculation of the time to cut is based on the user settings.

Minimoni_PrefScreenMinimoni_MainScreen with traffic watchMinimoni_MainScreen with menu

Website: MiniMoni – Traffic monitor for BlackBerry
Download (Desktop)
Download (OTA)

1 comment on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. There is a final version 1.00.0 released.

    Please check the website mentioned in the text above for the features.


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