Ronen Halevy

BlackBerry Priv Review Part 2: Android OS… Refined by BlackBerry

One of the things that originally drew me to BlackBerry devices 10 years ago was the thought they put into refining the user experience. They lost some of that when they first released BlackBerry 10 and have slowly been regaining it. Google/Android has historically been terrible at developing a cohesive and well thought out user…

BlackBerry Priv Review Part 1: The Hardware

I have to tell you that my hopes were quite high when BlackBerry first showed me their first foray into creating an Android device with BlackBerry DNA. I was skeptical based on our experiences with the first generation BB10 devices and yet I really want them to get it right. I have to say that…

BlackBerry Gets Fresh Press for Their Google Android Partnership

It seems like all the rumors about BES 12.2 with Samsung KNOX along with the Android for Work lollipop updates are bringing up some old news. BlackBerry’s partnership with Google for a secure android (that was announced previously) has been getting some solid coverage. Its not a new deal but is still promising to see…

T-Mobile US announces mobile without borders for Canada and Mexico includes calling and LTE data access

In the US most of the carriers seem to be doing the same old repackaged ideas except for T-Mobile US who has really made a splash in the benefits it offers to customers. Today T-Mobile announced their new un-carrier move, Mobile without borders that will let you use your device in both Mexico and Canada…

BlackBerry Leap Smartphone Review – The Next Generation All Touch BlackBerry

After the launch of the Classic and Passport BlackBerry all touchscreen fans have been left wanting a worthy successor for the Z30 (especially those with Z10s). The BlackBerry Leap picks up where the BlackBerry Z3 left off but takes it up to the mid to high end market build. For example, the BlackBerry Leap is…

BlackBerry Announces Global Rollout of BlackBerry Leap

BlackBerry has just put it out on the wire that the BlackBerry Leap has begun its official rollout this week. It is starting with the UK and then continuing across Germany, France, United States, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and India. It should hopefully be available on ShopBlackBerry shortly. Check out the full announcement…

BlackBerry to Lay Out Next 12 Month Roadmap at MWC in March

John Chen just wrapped up the end of the main launch for the BlackBerry Classic in the US and dropped one last tidbit worth mentioning. He stated that they will have a presence at CES in January especially with QNX showing off a Maserati. Last but not least is that they are going to lay…

AT&T, Verizon, Bell & Rogers Confirmed to Carry the BlackBerry Classic

BlackBerry just had AT&T execs on the stage announcing that they are going to be carrying the Classic at launch in ALL distribution and retail channels. That is pretty sweet since BlackBerry has been losing ground in retail channels in the US. They have also confirmed that it will be carried by Verizon, Bell, and…

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