9800 Torch

Heading To BlackBerry Jam? Get Your Wallpaper Here!

If you’re lucky enough to be going to BlackBerry Jam tomorrow, you’re gonna need some sleek and sexy wallpapers to jazz up your BlackBerry devices. If you’re not able to make it, I still highly recommend showing your BB pride and rockin these walls no matter where you are! Pootermobile has created some sweet wallpapers…

New Phazer BlackBerry 7 Theme from Hedone Designs

Long time premium BlackBerry theme developer Hedone Designs just released a new theme, Phazer, for BlackBerry 7 devices including OS 6 devices. This theme builds on the basic BlackBerry 7 theme and is just plain slick with a small footprint on your device so it should be just as fast as the default theme. Hedone…

Free Euro Cup 2012 Wallpapers & Premium Theme (OS 7 Compatible)

   If you have been following the Euro Cup 2012 this might help you get in the spirit. Dovid let us know that Motek has released an Euro Cup theme for 2012 that they are selling on App World for $1.99. They are also offering up 32 country wallpapers that anyone can download to match…

Deck the Halls Holiday Theme With BlackBerry Bold 9900 & 9930 Support

  RIM has yet to let developers create themes for BlackBerry 7 devices but that has not stopped Magmic. We told you they had some success getting themes on BlackBerry 7 devices and now we have the fruit of their labor. They have released a Deck the Halls holiday theme for BlackBerrys with support for…

Official OS BlackBerry Torch 9800 released by Vodafone New Zealand

With all the BlackBerry 7 devices coming out users with BlackBerry 6 devices are still getting some love. BBROcks spotted OS for BlackBerry Torch 9800 from Vodafone New Zealand. No word on how solid this OS is but if you were waiting for an update then check it out!

Official OS for Bold 9700/9780, Torch 9800, & Curve 9300 via Vodafone

With all the BlackBerry 7 devices coming out users with BlackBerry 6 devices are still getting some love. @rr_yy spotted OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9700 & 9780, Torch 9800, and Curve 9300 from SmartTone Vodafone. No word on how solid this OS is but if you were jonsing for an update then check…

FAQ: Are BlackBerry Torch 9800 & Torch 9810 Cases & Accessories Compatible?

I have been asked this question multiple times in the last few weeks so I thought it would be best to lay the question to rest. Many users have been asking if the accessories for the BlackBerry Torch 9800 are compatible with the new BlackBerry Torch 9810. I have tested out multiple accessories on both…

Best Settings for BlackBerry Torch 9800 Touchscreen Sensitivity?

Luis asked me a bit ago what settings I had on my BlackBerry Torch 9800 for “Touchscreen Sensitivity.” He thought his settings were messed up so I told him mine was set for Tap Interval: 400 and Hover Period: 100 while his was set for 800 and 400 respectively. I had never really messed with…

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