Free BilbyFile File Manager & Bilby Flashlight For 8120 & 8130

Stefano let me know about these two interesting tools for the BlackBerry 8120 & 8130. I am not sure why they are only for those devices but I guess that is what the author has.

bilbyfile02 BilbyFile is a simple file manager. Its kind of like the one you get to by going to the media icon and selecting explore.

  • View device memory/SDCard/folders/files
  • View file details
  • Copy/move/delete/rename files
  • View folder path
  • Create/rename/delete folders

BilbyLight_main Bilby Light turns your screen into a flashlight

  • Make BlackBerry become a torch. It’s very useful when you are camping, driving or in the dark environment
  • Turn on the backlight when running other applications.
  • Brightness adjustment

Sadly there are no OTA links only Desktop manager install files. You can find both of the applications free at If you try them out let us know what you think!

6 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. I have these two apps on my Curve 8310 and they work just fine (using .93)… so curve users, have fun!

    (PS: this back light is my favorite thus far)

  2. they have new updates now, new GUI

  3. BilbyFile v1.5 released

    BilbyFile v1.5 is the latest version of BilbyFile which is an useful file management tool for Blackberry.


    * View device memory/SDCard/folders/files

    * File properties

    * Folder properties

    * File: copy/move/delete/rename

    * Folder: create/copy/move/delete/rename

    * Star files: copy/move/delete

    Download trial version from here:

  4. How do I delete these apps off the blackberry? They’re not showing up in the advanced options under applications, and the app is useless as it doesn’t show the microSD storage. (blackberry 8330)

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