Brian over at PimpMyBerry.Com just let us know about a new theme he designed called TigerBerry OSX for 81xx, 83xx & 88xx Blackberry devices running OS 4.5. According to Brian, there are 3 different versions; Bottom Dock, Calendar and Today Plus. Even if you’re not a Mac person you are going to like this theme for its cool, tranquil images and user friendly bottom dock set-up. I had the opportunity to play around with this theme and it’s extremely well put together. I like how application icons are tucked away neatly in corresponding folders. Also, bottom dock icons are customizable and the dock stays even if you change wallpapers, making this theme attractive and functional. Best yet, price is only $2.99. Visit PimpMyBerry.Com Store – Enjoy!
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david davila Not Registered
Posted: April 9, 2009 at 2:03 PM EST from my BlackBerry 8320