RIM Going To Remove 30 Buddy Restriction In AIM?

Anybody who has used the RIM AIM client will know that there is a stupid restriction where it only allows you to see your Mobile Buddies group. To make matters worse it will only show you a maximum of 30 buddies in your Mobile Buddies group. The first time you sign into the AIM mobile app it will copy the first 30 buddies from your list into this Mobile Buddies group and that is it.

Using an AOL Instant Messenger client on your computer, you may add as many Buddies as you like to your Mobile Buddies group, but your BlackBerry smartphone will still be restricted to displaying the first 30 Buddies in that group.

I always thought that this was a pointless restriction and it seems like RIM thinks the same. Megan spotted a promising sentence at the bottom of a RIM knowledgebase article stating:

Future versions of AIM service for BlackBerry smartphone will allow you to view more than 30 Buddies on your BlackBerry smartphone.

I guess that means that there is hope for a brighter future…

Until then there is always IM+ and BeeJive

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  1. My 4.5 AIM client shows all my buddies.

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