As I was browsing around some of the other blogs today, I ran across a little trick that I thought was pretty cool. Turns out that you can add symbols to your display name in BBMessenger. You can use all of the symbols available and even a couple of the smiley faces. The only catch here is that you cannot use anything with a colon in your display name. I am guessing this is because RIM doesn’t want people doing exactly this. However, this is the only restriction that I have found. This means that yo can use; Thumbs Up/Down, the Heart, Wink, Cool and Laughing.
To set this up, go into BBMessenger, hit the menu button and click on “edit my info” hit the ‘sym” key and pick your favorite available icon. Great way to break up the monotony on a Friday. The guys at my office have had fun playing around with this today, thought you all might enjoy 🙂
What… You’re not happy with the symbols that are there? You saw that Kevin at CrackBerry had the BlackBerry Symbol and you want it too? OK well I suppose, but only because you asked so nice.
There are a couple of tricks to getting the BlackBerry symbol to appear in your BBmessenger. First you need to get your hands on the little symbol and then you have to edit the autotext settings to get it to appear correctly.
Thanks to Phil, who I met at the CrackBerry Forums, I managed to get the BlackBerry icon and a whole slew of other ones too! To get the icons, I would reccommend heading over to the CrackBerry Forums and PIN message one of the people who are distributing them. There are plenty of people willing to send them to you via PIN. Remember, if someone shares the icons with you, please do the same for someone else.
Once you have these guys on your berry, you need to decide which one you want to use, pick whichever one you desire, select it, and copy it. Open up your AutoText options, create a new autotext, and have it replace the word bblogo with the symbol. Head back over to BlackBerry Messenger and go back in an edit your info. Type the word bblogo before your name and “poof” magically you have the BB logo!
These can be used for BBMessenger, owner info, your signature and pretty much anywhere else you can type!
Good Luck to Everyone!
Nate ( View Profile) - Posts: