The guys behind BerryTunes just let me know that they released BerryTunes 2.5. Top on the list of new features is STREAMING PODCASTS. While I know Viigo Tango will do this for free I know quite a few people who cant wait.
Also included in the features are Internet Radio stations and the Audio player. They have added a new Windows MP3 Transfer utility to help you get your music on your Berry.
There is a 7–Day trial available and you can pick up the full version on sale for $24.99 at the BerryReview Store
New Features:
Sam Not Registered
Posted: June 24, 2008 at 7:08 AM EST
I just bought V2.2 a week ago! How can I upgrade to V2.5 and I assume the upgrade would be at no charge?
rafa Not Registered
Posted: July 11, 2008 at 6:39 PM EST
i think this software is awesome,the only downside is at the time to add new streams,i been looking around and i cant find a way to locate the right url’s i tried sites like but no luck yet,can anybody help me thank you
Rybo Not Registered
Posted: May 18, 2009 at 12:24 PM EST
My trial period ran out. Now it’s asking for the registration code, but there’s no way to actually purchase the code.