Fusion Voicemail Plus – Free Visual Voicemail Solution

I got an email that Fusion Voicemail Plus is launching today. This service is very similar to YouMail that we told you about before. It provides you free voicemail services for your cellphone by forwarding your calls to their number. The service is free which is a plus and it even has a downloadable BlackBerry application to easily receive and retrieve your voicemails. You can also play them off their mobile website. The nice twist on this is that it gets the actual caller ID from the caller if the number is not in your address book.


I have copied their press release after the jump because their website (www.fvmplus.com) is a bit flash heavy and hard to navigate. The press release has all the facts summed up perfectly. The Fusion Voicemail service seems to be a follow up to their commercial Phone Fusion One PBX service for businesses.

PhoneFusion™ Unveils Beta Version of Fusion Voicemail Plus™ for BlackBerry®; Free, Downloadable Application Gives BlackBerry Users the Convenience of Visual Voicemail

Visual Voicemail Application Lets Users Centralize Multiple Voicemail Boxes and Prioritize Important Messages Right on their Mobile Device

Ft. Lauderdale, FLA – June 24, 2008 – PhoneFusion™, the leading provider of reliable communications solutions to businesses of all sizes, today released the new beta version of Fusion Voicemail Plus™ for BlackBerry® smartphones. This free visual voicemail application is now available for any BlackBerry device, including the popular BlackBerry Pearl and BlackBerry Curve, on any U.S. wireless carrier. This free, downloadable voicemail application gives BlackBerry users the ability to centralize all of their voicemail boxes and see – right on the screen of their mobile device – a list of their voicemail messages. The service also allows users to listen to their voicemails directly from their BlackBerry. BlackBerry users – whether or not they are an existing PhoneFusion customer – can access the beta version of Fusion Voicemail Plus at www.fvmplus.com. This free service also comes as a standard feature in the PhoneFusion One™ solution.

The beta version of Fusion Voicemail Plus gives the BlackBerry community iPhone™-like visual voicemail functionality for their device. It provides a faster, more efficient way to review messages in the order people want, rather than dialing multiple voicemail systems and listening to the messages in chronological order. A feature distinct to Fusion Voicemail Plus, users can view the incoming phone number and see the caller ID name. Other services only display names if they are stored in users’ phone books. With that information, Fusion Voicemail Plus users are able to dial the callers back immediately or send them a text message.

Fusion Voicemail Plus is designed for small business customers looking for better ways to manage and prioritize their voicemail. In today’s demanding business environment, small business workers are required to be in several places at once, and their mobile device becomes a primary communications tool. However, access to work, home and cell voicemail is mission critical. A tool like Fusion Voicemail Plus helps small business professionals manage their time far more efficiently.

“Fusion Voicemail Plus gives BlackBerry users another powerful way to stay on top of their business communications,” said Louis Libin, chief executive officer of PhoneFusion. “For small businesses, time is limited and every minute of the day counts. With Fusion Voicemail Plus, BlackBerry users have a quick and easy way to manage voicemail messages, saving them time and helping them in their quest to do more.”

PhoneFusion Unveils Beta Version of Fusion Voicemail Plus for BlackBerry®

How Fusion Voicemail Plus Works
Fusion Voicemail Plus centralizes multiple voicemail boxes in one place, accessible from the subscriber’s mobile device. After signing up at www.fvmplus.com, the subscriber receives a message on their device with a link that will allow them to easily download the Fusion Voicemail Plus application. The user then changes their voicemail access number from any of their other voicemail systems (e.g., home, wireless carrier, VoIP, office) to a single PhoneFusion One phone number.

All calls that would normally go to the other designated voicemail boxes will come directly to the person’s Fusion Voicemail Plus. The service notifies the user through audible, visual and tactile means that a new voicemail is available for listening, listing the voicemail messages right on the screen of their mobile phone. In addition to accessing voicemail directly from their smartphone, users also have the option to access Fusion Voicemail Plus from any web browser or via the traditional phone. Unlike other visual voicemail services, Fusion Voicemail Plus is totally free and has no limitations on the number of messages it sends to users phones.

Fusion Voicemail Plus is already available on any cell phone network for Windows Mobile 5 and 6. Future releases are scheduled for Palm, Symbian, Android and LINUX mobile. A J2ME version is also planned.

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