Ronen Halevy

Resize Images Before Sending Actually IS Included in BlackBerry OS 10.2.1!!!

BlackBerry made my day today with a feature I have wanted for awhile and have now discovered IS in OS 10.2.1. At first I reported that there was a new option in the hub to resize images before sending but it did not seem to work or actually do anything. Then all of a sudden…


BlackBerry World for BlackBerry 10 Updated to v5.0.0.63

BlackBerry just pushed out another small update to BlackBerry World for BlackBerry 10. This version supposedly contains “stability and performance improvements” whatever that means. I am still waiting for the update that brings “functionality improvements” but until then you can get the latest update by opening up BlackBerry World, Going to My World, and…


Creative Users Working on Getting Google Apps (Gmail, etc) on BlackBerry 10.2.1

  I am consistently amazed by the creativity of driven BlackBerry users. The latest example is the many users and developers working on getting Android apps that require Google Play Services working on BlackBerry 10.2.1. This includes apps made by Google like Gmail, Google Maps (login), YouTube (Login), Google Music (Login), Hangouts (Login) and more….


Snap Simplifies Getting Android APK Files from Google Play on BlackBerry 10.2.1

Quite a few of you have been fiddling around with the OS leak with its ability to easily install Android apps. Users have been trying to download APK files through multiple methods like other Android app stores and some other methods to get APK files from Google Play. Now JamesPaulMuir, the developer of Flip…


Alec Saunders: ”Simply put, BlackBerry World is where your app belongs”

Alec Saunders, Head of BlackBerry developer relations, followed up on our interview with a great post on the BlackBerry DevBlog. Essentially he details how BlackBerry is “upping their game” for Android support to make it easy to bring your app to BlackBerry World. He goes on to explain that “Simply put, BlackBerry World is where…


Great List of Android Appstores & Some Working APK’s For OS 10.2.1

We have been getting quite a few people asking where they can find Android apps to install using the new OS 10.2.1 leak. Now that the leak is available to all devices it should make for a big community effort to see what works. Jason pointed out to me a great public APK SkyDrive account…


Alec Saunders Talks About Improved & Open Android Runtime in BlackBerry 10.2.1

I had a chance to talk through the latest Android Runtime changes for developers yesterday with BlackBerry’s head of developer relations, Alec Saunders. Alec was very excited for the SDK that launched late yesterday and the many changes it brings along with the heavily improved Android Runtime. When I asked him to summarize the purpose…


BlackBerry Z10 & Z30 Get Fully Working OS Leak

As we told you before the new OS 10.2.1 SDK release would give us the radios we need to make the FULL OS leak work on the Z10 and Z30. Now thanks to SirJes over on CrackBerry forums we have the full OS links for all devices. On top of that we also just…

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