Great List of Android Appstores & Some Working APK’s For OS 10.2.1


We have been getting quite a few people asking where they can find Android apps to install using the new OS 10.2.1 leak. Now that the leak is available to all devices it should make for a big community effort to see what works. Jason pointed out to me a great public APK SkyDrive account run by Kris Simundson that he shared on CrackBerry forums. The SkyDrive has some of the hottest Android apps that work though a small number of them have issues like Google Hangouts. On the other hand it has all the top hits like CandyCrush, Starbucks, GMaps, Vine, etc. Check out the full list here.

My buddy Bla1ze @CrackBerry has also done a nice job of collecting an even larger list than I did of Android App stores that you can install on OS Let us know what you find that works!

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