
Sena Cases Hits PlayBook Market Running

It has been a little bit of a slow road for PlayBook accessories, especially in the world of cases. I got word from the folks over at Sena Cases that they have just announced 3 new PlayBook cases that are shipping in just a couple weeks. Sena has always produced incredibly durable and good looking…

Free App! sTamped for BlackBerry

sTamped for BlackBerry is a nifty little application, though there have been several like it available in the past, that adds some “stamps” to photos that you have on your BlackBerry. Some of these are pretty cute and its FREE! Go grab it while it is still free Here ****Note**** It does look as though…

Big Red Stabs PlayBook in the Heart?

**Update** We have had several of our readers comment and let us know that the issue, and only with some people, is that Verizon started blocking (as in it worked before and not today) bridge access via Bluetooth. Many of the commenters below say that this cannot happen and I am unsure. We are bringing you…

2011 BlackBerry Developers Challenge Announced- BIG Prizes!

It is that time of year again! The BlackBerry Partners Fund has announced its fourth annual Developer Challenge for BlackBerryDevelopers. This has been a real incenctive for developers to take a closer look at the BlackBerry Platform and produce high quality applications. Some of the winners in the 2010 challenge were Poynt, Vllingo Plus, UbiNav…

AT&T Officially Releases OS 6 for Bold 9700

For all of you out there who have been waiting for official releases, ATT has finally released OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9700. AT&T has been dragging along on this one pretty slowly, but they have finally allowed their users to have access to this OS officially. The odd part is that we have already…

Press Release: RIM Announces Award Finalists for BlackBerry World

Rim announced the finalists for the Wireless Achievement Awards today, and although the winners will not be announced for another week or so, we can get a good look at some of the competition. It looks as though there are some pretty cool developments out there, including the Sherwin Williams ColorSnap Application. There is also…

aMail Steps Up When RIM Falls Down? PlayBook Email!

One of the most common critiques of the PlayBook, even before launch, was the lack of a native email, calendar and contacts application. While RIM has promised that they would take care of these issues in an update that should be out soon, 3rd party application developers have  come forth to bridge the gap (yes…

How YOU can help bring DropBox to the Playbook

In the last few days since the PlayBook has been in my hot little hands, I have adopted it into my personal and professional life. I would have thought, with the SDK for the PlayBook being released months ago, that we would have seen a swath of popular apps on the release date. My hopes…

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