We have had several of our readers comment and let us know that the issue, and only with some people, is that Verizon started blocking (as in it worked before and not today) bridge access via Bluetooth. Many of the commenters below say that this cannot happen and I am unsure. We are bringing you the information we receive as we receive it. If you ARE having these difficulties over Bridge, pleas let us know at [email protected]
We have been getting some reports from Verizon Wireless BlackBerry users who have been using their new PlayBook’s bridge function to access network resources from the playbook. Well it looks at though Big Red was not too fond of this idea and has decided to put a stop to tethering.
I am hoping that this is not true, and won’t be able to verify for myself until later on tonight, but if anyone has any experience on this please let us know in the comments or in the forums. This could be a real blow to the PlayBook if carriers decide that they have a responsibility to milk even more money out of us just to use the base functionality of our device.
Do they really expect everyone to pay for data on a BB AND a seperate connection for a tablet? Come on Verizon.
DavidB ( View Profile) - Posts: