Download YouTube Videos on Your PlayBook By Sideloading TubeMate

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Android users are familiar with TubeMate as a much copied utility for downloading YouTube videos. A friend of mine pointed out that TubeMate posted a BAR file they have officially ported to the PlayBook using the Android Runtime. I have had TubeMate sideloaded on my PlayBook for awhile now but Michelle @CrackBerry highlighted the official release. Hopefully TubeMate gets into App World but I doubt it would get past RIM’s crack squad of app reviewers. Until then you can sideload the BAR file TubeMate has provided to be able to download YouTube videos on your PlayBook. It seems to work decently on my PlayBook without any glitches so far.

You can pick up the BAR file to sideload to your PlayBook from and sideload using any of the many Sideloading methods we have mentioned in the past. (DDPB is my favorite)

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