iOS Emulator for the PlayBook Demoed on Video (Brine)

 iOS brine emulator PlayBook

When Todd first sent us this video yesterday (via BBin) I had my doubts about its authenticity but it looks like there may be something to it. In the videos the developer, Bubble Wrap, shows off some free iOS apps running on the BlackBerry PlayBook in an emulator of the iOS environment. It is an iOS player that he has been working on for awhile and running on Windows with an emulated ARM core that he simply ported to the PlayBook to remove the need to emulate the ARM core.

My buddy Shane from BBOS did some digging since he was also originally skeptical and also heard that this might be legit. We may never actually see this released one of the developers of Dingleberry confirmed that the developer behind Brine contacted him last year. Supposedly Bubble Wrap ported the missing libraries between the PlayBook and iOS to make the apps able to run on both platforms. Hell even Chris Wade, another dev from Dingleberry, is working on porting his iOS emulator iEmu to the PlayBook.

I am not sure what the probability is of this ever hitting public release but it is great to see the developer interest in the platform and the strength of the QNX platform. Check it out in the videos and let us know what you think!

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  1. Kinda cool. I want to upgrade my 16GB playbook but I am wating for the new processor models with 4G I hope. I think the faster speed will help with iOS/Android app running.

  2. A few years back I recall hearing about VMWare (virtualization software that allows other OSes to be run on an existing OS) working on a mobile app. I was intrigued since that was around when BlackBerry was trying to make a sort of emulator that would run on other platforms, and allow access to BlackBerry services. I especially was hoping it would some day mean I could have one hardware phone, but be able to ‘boot’ into other phone OSes to be able to have the best of all worlds.

    It’s interesting how QNX is allowing more freedom and ability for BlackBerry. Able to run Android and iOS apps? Nice.

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