Google has just updated their search app in the Google Mobile app to allow for searching by voice in French, German, Italian, & Spanish. They first developed it for English and then added Mandarin Chinese and Japanese but they are continuing to expand the options.
The new languages are designed for accents from France, Germany, Italy, & Spain so if you are speaking Swiss German or Peruvian Spanish I am not sure how it will work.
You can pick up the Google Mobile App from your BlackBerry by heading to
via Google
DK Not Registered
Posted: June 10, 2010 at 5:29 PM EST
Interesting, thanks. I assume it’s all or nothing with one language, you can’t mix languages?
PS– Please note that Swiss German (and its various dialects) & Peruvian Spanish are not just accents, they are distinctly different language variants, so I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t work. FWIW…