I used to have trouble getting to school on time and I used to come up with creative ways to fool myself into coming on time. The most common one was to set my clock forward a few minutes so that I would think I was coming late but actually got there on time. In short that didn’t work but Late Mate is betting that it will work for other people.
The idea behind Late Mate is that when you set your clock forward 5-10 minutes you always factor those 5-10 minutes into your lateness so you are only fooling yourself. What Late Mate does is keeps on changing the number of minutes ahead your clock is to mess with you so you can never rely on that buffer. The problem is that this might cause some people to be even worse by thinking they have 10 minutes when they really only have one. On the other hand if you have a diligent work ethic (not a common trait for a chronic procrastinator…) this might work.
Either way Late Mate is going to be available in App World for $2.99 this week so let us know what you think when it comes out. More info at http://latemateapp.com (via TechCrunch).
Michael Not Registered
Posted: May 26, 2010 at 1:43 PM EST
What an interesting concept. Think I am going to try this one out although I don’t normally download apps for my blackberry.
Carmela Not Registered
Posted: May 26, 2010 at 1:47 PM EST
Check out their pitch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lb-UlJGBhIA. Sounds like something I could definitely use…