Just when they were starting to get good at witty retorts AT&T has dropped their lawsuit against Verizon. I guess that means that AT&T has conceded that “There is a map for that” and Verizon admitted that simultaneous data & voice is useful. Now that I am back using AT&T I am hoping that they divert some of the money for this lawsuit to beefing up their 3G network in NYC! This is also a great chance for them to start competing on price. 🙂
TELUS, Rogers, & Bell in Canada are still lawsuit happy over 3G claims. The latest has Rogers suing Bell over their claims of a faster HSPA network when most of their customers are still on CDMA. Verizon is also still harping about Sprint’s claim of “Most dependable 3G network.”
I wonder if this move by AT&T means that Verizon is going to take down all of their “There is a map for that” ads. I even spotted one in a storefront in Long Island, NY a week ago plastered on the front door.