I noticed this little update yesterday when I was pricing out a Tour for a friend but I did not understand what it meant then. It looks like Verizon has updated their website with their new Buy One Get One free free offer. This time it is running until October 10th so get a move on it. 🙂
The other main change is that the second device does not need to be a BlackBerry. It could be another phone or a netbook or broadband wireless card. This should make quick work of Verizon’s BlackBerry Tour inventory.
via Rimarkable
DavidB Not Registered
Posted: August 14, 2009 at 2:50 PM EST
This pisses me off! Notice it rolled out just after the 30 day return window ended for those of us who bought a Tour on launch day!
papped Not Registered
Posted: August 14, 2009 at 7:12 PM EST
I’d jump on this and use the extra phone to cover ETF if it wasn’t for the fact that VZ plans are even more expensive per month…
M. Vick Not Registered
Posted: August 15, 2009 at 1:01 AM EST
more expensive than who?