Microsoft Employees Now Only Get Subsidized Windows Mobile Data

steve-balmer-winmobile This little news tidbit made me chuckle. It looks like Microsoft employees used to be able to get a data subsidy for their devices no matter if it was a Windows Mobile or BlackBerry device. I am surprised that Microsoft did not implement this policy earlier but now subsidies are limited to Windows Mobile. I can only imagine that RIM is not subsidizing Windows Mobile data plans for their employees so all is fair.

On the other hand this makes me curious. Anybody know a employee who decided to screw the subsidy and just keep their BlackBerry? I know it was a big deal when Microsoft tried banning iPods on their Redmond campus and had a little revolt on their hands. Recently Windows Mobile has been making a bit of a comeback so maybe these employees are not worse for wear… Also I think Windows Mobile data plans may be a bit cheaper so Microsoft may just be trying to save a few bucks to make up for the Vista flop.

This could all change when BlackBerry Application Suite gets released (if it ever does). From what I am hearing now it looks like the whole BAS solution got swept under the carpet.

via Ars Technica via IntoMobile

2 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Is these economic times (drink) to me its reasonable for a company that offers its own mobile device OS to require its employees to use it or not get reimbursed. WindowsMobile needs to enhancements but blame is not always put where it belongs. Microsoft should not be supporting AT&T and Apple but they should support BlackBerry, hey they should buy Palm and start over.

  2. BAS swept under the carpet? I sure hope not. I was really looking forward to turning my Tilt into a BlackBerry!

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