Storm’s SurePress Touchscreen Nabs “Best Mobile Technology Breakthrough” Award

The GSMA (the global GSM Association) must have never used the Storm before. I agree that the touchscreen on the Storm is innovative but I would not call it a breakthrough. If anything it makes the phone clunky to use. For example, it makes you type really slow since you can only press one key at a time… Maybe it just did not have any competition this year.

On the other hand WorldMate won the Most Innovative Mobile Application award so they must have some taste. (I was afraid that iFart would be on the list) Check out the full list at this link.

RIM also snagged the GSMA Chairman’s Award whatever that means… Supposedly it is the most prestigious award of all. From the way this press release is written you can tell this chairman is definitely a CrackBerry user.

2 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. I think you’re right, it won due to the unimpressive competition.

    But in all fairness, I find it far easier to type on my Storm than on that “other” touch screen phone.

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