UPDATE: Nanu let me know that he has been using Audible air on his BlackBerry since he got it. He tried this link below and it turns out to be the same application he has been using for awhile. He can report that the app works well once set up it allows you to sign in and download your library and store on your SD card!
Audible has been beta testing a BlackBerry App for about a year now with no actual product. I gave up on it awhile ago since it looked like a pipe dream and the closed beta had reports of numerous problems.
Recently I ran across a thread on BlackBerry Forums by Grimlin (Nice taste in books BTW) detailing some great information about the Audible BlackBerry Beta called AudibleAir. Nothing I can really talk at length about since I do not have an Audible account to test it out but it may be worth checking out if you use Audible already.
NOTE: It looks like there is a production BlackBerry download available at this link below but I could not find one official mention of it on Audible’s main website:
I have not tried them but they may be worth a download if you are into taking some risks…
Let me know what you find!
PDADoc Not Registered
Posted: February 10, 2009 at 11:13 AM EST
I’ve been using the AudibleAir app on my Bold since late October, and it works well.
I just wish they’d update the device selection to include the Bold, but I’ve been using the app for the 8800. It’s definitely worth checking out.
Jason Not Registered
Posted: February 12, 2009 at 12:28 PM EST
Does not work with subscriptions. Audible customer service reps are incompetents.
BradK Not Registered
Posted: February 27, 2009 at 9:25 AM EST
I am pretty sure that installer is not either new, nor is the product AudibleAir. For what its worth, the incompetent CSR’s claim there is a beta coming soon (HAHAHAH) but this definitely does not appear to be it.
http://www.audibleair.com has a lot of information regarding this product.
And No, Subscriptions dont work…
Irene Not Registered
Posted: June 5, 2009 at 11:27 AM EST
Audible for BB is working on my phone….slooowly. But it is working. The biggest issues I have:
1) If you are in the app and want to go look at incoming text messages, there is no way to get back to the Home Screen. But since this program slows down the phone…
2) If a call comes in the program pauses, allows you to take your call and restarts. However, if a text message comes in the program pauses temp but won’t allow you to see the message. Meaning you have to exit the app and hope that it has bookmarked your spot correctly…
Anton Not Registered
Posted: June 25, 2009 at 8:12 PM EST
The other really aggravating thing about the audible player is that if it’s paused and your headphones aren’t jacked in, the playback will start up in response to random buttons being pressed, and the only way to get it to stop is to yank the battery. The volume controls won’t work to mute it, as the player isn’t officially “up” on the display. This problem can be anywhere from a minor annoyance to a huge embarrassment, and it’s going to end up driving me back to my ipod for audible content unless I can fix it.