It looks like Nokia users missing BlackBerry Connect on their recent smartphones have something to look forward to. A few months back Nokia got on its high horse and killed support for BlackBerry connect on their devices. RIM seems to be taking up the torch and coming up with their own support for S60 devices.
So I have to ask how many of you are using BlackBerry Connect on a Nokia device? I tried it once with the 9300 communicator and was not pleased at all. On the other hand it is a great way to stay on your company BES while having the device of your choice.
Details at Symbian-Guru via BoyGenius
Thanks DavidB for sending this one in!
DavidB Not Registered
Posted: January 21, 2009 at 9:23 AM EST from my BlackBerry 9530
I found this important In light of Nokia sells close to half a BILLION phones a year!