Some Interesting News About Skype For BlackBerry

Josep sent me a link to an article on APCmag that mentioned a few things I had never heard about regarding Skype for BlackBerry. They got in some face time with Skype chief operating officer Scott Durchslag to discuss Skype’s future plans.

The interesting quotes:

  • Sucks! “RIM itself developed a “very efficient” BlackBerry client, Durchslag noted, but since it relies on sales via carriers who don’t want Skype calls eating into their voice revenue that version isn’t likely to appear any time in the near future.”
  • Skype also announced that they are developing Java and Windows Mobile clients. These new clients are supposed to be “heaps better”
  • Sucks! “In theory, the Java-based client could be installed on a BlackBerry, but as there are no specific power management features built in it would drain the battery quite quickly. Skype is continuing to work on a separate BlackBerry client for release later this year.”

Who knew that RIM developed their own Skype client? I can understand why they do not use it but I can already see all of the developers at RIM headquarters making Skype calls all day…

via APCMag via BlackBerryForums AU

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  1. When he says he doesn’t expect to see it released any time soon I can’t help but feel more optimistic.

    If they have developed it, why would they not?

    Yes it would eat into the carrier revenue, but so does Instant Messaging eat into their SMS revenue. And just look at how many IM clients RIM has released.

    I have hope.

    But if RIM doesn’t start focusing on their software instead of just churning out dozens of new handsets each year… I’ll be off to iphone-alley.

  2. I’d love for a real Skype client to be out for the BB, and of course I’d want it to work over WiFi, which is my main need. I won’t hold my breath though: when I had my Nokia N80, Skype was promising a Symbian version “any time soon”, and it never happened. We were waiting for at least two years, and I still don’t know of anything concrete ever being released. Skype seems to be the ultimate in vapourware unless you’re running WindoZe Mobile. Let’s hope their performance in actually delivering improves.

  3. “Skype is continuing to work on a separate BlackBerry client for release later this year.”

    At least there’s hope!

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