Recently I was setting up a friend of mines BlackBerry to sync with his Ubuntu laptop and I came across Barry’s new homepage. Last time I had checked out the site it was just a basic site and since then it seems to really have shaped up! Net Direct has really taken a interest in documenting the application along with the current features and support. Sadly Barry is still struggling with new devices like the Bold and Storm but older devices work relatively well considering the fact that this is being done without RIM’s blessing…
Check out the site at
I also recently came across this one guide by AdamW detailing how he got Barry to work on his Mandriva Linux machine.
Net Direct also put up some great documentation the following links:
How do I…
- Install Barry from binary packages
- Compile Barry from tarball, CVS, or git
- Make backups of my Blackberry data
- Sync my Blackberry with Evolution
- Use my Blackberry as a modem to surf the net
- Find troubleshooting help
Some helpful pages:
Nikolaus Not Registered
Posted: January 8, 2009 at 9:58 AM EST
Sweet!! I have been hoping for more Linux support for a while now.