Our buddy Kevin over at CrackBerry spotted a new application from Google. They have created a YouTube client for the Storm that looks pretty slick. I guess they are trying to keep it on par with the iPhone in that regard. Not sure why it is only available for the Storm but hopefully Google is working on clients for other OS 4.5+ devices.
To download just point your Storm’s browser to m.google.com/youtube?dc=gyt
via CrackBerry
Thanks Tashanna for sending this one in!
Eric Weintraub Not Registered
Posted: December 24, 2008 at 9:56 AM EST
Thank you Google!!! We really need more vendors to step up to the plate and make the BB platform a real applications platform.
matt Not Registered
Posted: February 2, 2009 at 7:51 PM EST
doesnt work