Bold 9000 OS Found Online!!!

Quite a few secret agents sent in links to the Bold OS over the weekend. Since I am a Sabbath observing Jew I was away from my computer and email and did not see them. Thankfully a Secret Agent (aka Payroll) sent another link later on in the day that works. No idea what this version fixes but I am sure you will figure it out. πŸ™‚

Bold 9000 OS 9000AllLang_PBr4.6.0_rel366_PL4.0.0.184_A4.6.0.215.exe

Let us know what you find in the new OS versions in the comments below. Keep the tips coming!

NOTE: Do not install this software if you do not know what you are doing. It may make your BlackBerry FUBAR or just plain angry.

13 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Been using it for a few days. Definetely an upgrade from .190 or .210, but not much of a difference from .214.

  2. This version (IMHO) is a huge downgrade from It rendered the gps inactive and it was just plain bugged out. There is nothing more sad in life than a firmware roll back.

  3. 215 is No Good. Restart itself many times if using 3G environment.

  4. I have noticed that the 215 version has several bug in the player and the dark room, someone happens to you like?

    Many thanks blessings

  5. Still there is a trouble in Japanese input (display is ok.)

    With .214, I cannot select Japanese input even if software package is installed. With .215, I cannot install Japanese package to my Bold (not appeared on “Application” list), even if I selected on AppLoader.

    Anybody see working Japanese input with .214 (or .215)?

    Since .214 has a fix on date display (in Japanese) on home screen, I’d like to use it.

  6. Does anybody have a different link to download this from? The rapidshare link takes forever to download the file… πŸ™


  7. My experience…Overall the phone ran faster. Haven’t tried much on the other stuffs, couldn’t find any issue so far (48 hours after installation). The only problem is my Thai Font. Font size is inconsistent, some very big and some small. In some web page, couldn’t read at all.

  8. I just downloaded the .214 update Friday is there that much of a difference in the .215 update?? did any of these updates improve battery life a little bit?

  9. I have had one issue with hiding unused Icons, I could not get them back, this was rectified with a battery pull, all elexe seems okay …going on 48 hours.

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  10. Happy Hanukkah BerryReview!

  11. I’ve upgraded from .214 to .215, and then rolled it back to .214 again.

    There are only two differences I could see, and that’s why I rolled it back:

    1) The speakerphone now suffers from massive acoustic feedback. I’d seen comments about feedback on different versions in the past, but I’d never witnessed it until .215. Going back to .214 made it perfectly stable again.

    2) While playing a video, pressing the trackball brings up the menu, but it would not revert to full-screen after a few seconds as it would with .214. To get full-screen back with .215, you’d have to hit the space bar to pause, then space bar again to restart. Too inconvenient, as I frequently hit the trackball to see where the clip is in time.

    Apart from that, I can’t see any differences, so .214 it is for the time being.

  12. Some problems with this .214 when I use my phone in roaming …. The phone restarting him self few times ….

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