Enterpret – English-Spanish Mobile Translator With Audio, Dictionary, & Thesaurus

Craig let me know about a application/service that his company has called Enterpret. It is a mobile translator with a serious set of features though it does not seem to be new application. The information is not stored on your device so you do need an internet connection but it does offer quite a large database. I can’t vouch for its usefulness since my Spanish is terrible but it definitely looks interesting.

Check it out at www.enterpret.net and let me know what you think

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Translate entire phrases or sentences.

  • Dictionary functionality that provides related words and phrases.
  • Thesaurus, find a similar word and then translate that word.
  • Verb conjugation, conjugates all 17 verb tenses.
  • Saved translation feature allows you to store frequently used translations, and view at a later time.
  • Audio playback for correct pronunciation of the translation, with instant replay and volume controls.

Enterpreter Mobile Translator Utilizes

  • Ten thousand syntax rules.
  • Over one million significant markings embedded in the database.
  • State-of-the art artificial intelligence to produce context-sensitive, not literal, translations.
  • Requires a data plan to access our online databases where hundreds of thousands of Spanish and English word pairs are stored.

From the description:

The “Enterpreter” is the perfect wireless translation companion for any tourist, business traveler or student learning a new language.

The “Enterpreter” speaks over 695,000 words along with 200,000 useful phrases and fully conjugates over 20,000 verbs in English & Spanish.

What’s ‘more, it features “Lesson of the day” along with instant text translation with unique functions like a built in Thesaurus, audio playback and the ability to “save” your translations for future reference.

The Enterpreter bridges the communication gap by providing robust English-Spanish translation solutions.

Enterpret’s Mobile Translator is much more than just a two-way translator of general terms. This is the most comprehensive bilingual dictionary and thesaurus with over 695,000 translations and 500,000 synonyms, all packed into a user-friendly mobile format.

Its unique interactive design and ease of use, together with the comprehensive amount of words it contains, make it a relational database with an innovative search and sort capability.

Enterpret Mobile Translator features user selected language modes for increased translation accuracy. You define the translation parameters by selecting simple language communication modes.

1 comment on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Next time i should email you in Spanish Ronen and in this way you can improve it. I’ll try the application/service to see how it goes.

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