HOT! Google Sync Now Syncs Your Gmail Contacts FREE Along With Your Calendar!!!

Capture14_13_16 Enrico let me know that Google has updated their free Sync application that used to only sync your calendar with your BlackBerry. Now it also syncs your Gmail contacts with your BlackBerry!!! This latest version is 0.5.9.

Very Cool Google! They are getting closer and closer to a free BES-like service every day. Now if only they could consolidate some of these apps…

You can pick up the new app at:

4 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. This sounds great and all, but I have tried two different versions of Google Sync and have experienced connectivity issues with both–i.e. was never able to connect to their server, period. I’ll give this version a go and try it again, but I was actually hoping to find a little help and see if anyone else has run across the same issues. If so, I’d appreciate an email with assistance: [email protected].

  2. This drained the battery on my curve in 3 hours. I went from 100% to 5% in three hours. I have over 600 contacts and they’re all syn’d with google, but go figure. I turned contact sync off on my 8320 tmo curve.

  3. I also found that contact sync takes quite a while and produces double entries. one way to go around this was deleting contacts on either one or the other side. but this only one time and then also disabled the feature. surprisingly as i switched from 8300 to 8310 with the new one even contact sync was very fast….

  4. I also noticed that if you sign out of google sync it deletes all your contacts and well has calenders. So you always have to be signed in in order for you info to stay on your phone…

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