AT&T Cellular Video Problems When Upgrading To The Bold

cellularvideoatt The Bold is RIM’s first smartphone that supports AT&T’s Cellular Video service. Our buddy Troy over at BBNews got a hold on an intranet posting at AT&T pointing to some issues users might have if they upgrade to a Bold. If you are just buying a Bold and starting a new BlackBerry plan the Cellular Video should work fine. If you already had a BlackBerry plan provisioned on your account and upgraded to a Bold then you will run into an issue where it will tell you that a MediaNet plan is required.

All you have to do to fix it is have an AT&T Rep remove and re-add the BlackBerry plan to your account to fix it.

Thanks DavidB for sending this one in!

via BBNews

2 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. For sure…I can confirm that…I could tether, I could use the MediaNet and the CV but no web browser..what?
    And then I couldn’t use my Yahoo or Msn messengers at all, it would keep the login window open and no progress.
    A quick call resolved that issue…

  2. It's not just if you upgrade from another BlackBerry plan… I upgraded from the $20/month EDGE unlimited plan on a WinMobile phone to the BlackBerry Bold and the CV worked for the first few days and then quit. AT&T had to delete & add my plan and then it worked.

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