Zhiing – Mobile Social Networking With Location

Zhiing just let me know about their new application. Essentially Zhiing helps you locate people while on the go. It also is a great way to send addresses to each other. The nice part is that it has a BlackBerry, iPhone, Dash Express GPS, & Browser client so you can send zhiings between them. A zhiing is essentially a note with a location… (I know I am not doing a good job of explaining this but I am a bit confused myself and their site is really slow…)


Check out Zhiing for yourself at www.zhiing.com or follow the download directions at this link. The site is a bit slow to load on my end so you may have to wait a bit. As with most other social tools this is only really useful if you have friends also using it…

Some idea of what you would do with Zhiing:

  • Your friend just zhiinged your phone with her location so you can meet up for a drink.
  • You found a great restaurant online on your computer. Send a zhiing to yourself and a friend with info on what time to meet up via the browser add-on for Firefox, Flock, Explorer, Safari or Chrome.
  • Don’t want to forget where you parked your car? zhiing yourself!
  • Stranded on a dark corner in the middle of nowhere? zhiing for a ride.
  • Your business lunch plans have changed and nobody knows where to go — zhiing everyone from your final destination.
  • On the beta release, only iPhone, BlackBerry and Dash Express users will see the zhiinged location on the map along with turn-by-turn directions. Other users will simply receive text directions to the zhiinged address, but they’ll still be able to meet you once you’ve zhiinged! More mobile platforms with the same great features will be supported on subsequent releases.
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  1. Thanks for the review.

    We would like to note for your reader’s benefit that zhiing is not a social network. You do need the software to integrate your location, a map and the address book in a way that makes zhiing work great on your blackberry or iPhone, but it is not essential.

    We are hoping that LBS functionality that allows people to send directions to their location from their mobile device to the mobile device of any friend will make all the difference in adoption.

    We are not alone in the functionality of mapping directions from person to person on mobile devices. Loopt and others do the same. What makes us different is that we work with all of your friends, on all devices, on all mobile service networks. The others only allow you to work within the walled garden of their social network or from smart phone to smart phone.

    Again, we appreciate the comments. Additionally, we have provisioned more servers to handle more simultaneous visitors to our website. We did not adequately forecast the number of unique visitors per hour that are visiting http://zhiing.com and our blog at http://www.zhiing.com/blog

    Thanks again and have a great weekend! We will be working on our Android, Windows Mobile and other platforms 🙂

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