Gym Technik Adds New Features – Fitness Tracking

We mentioned Gym Technik a bit back as a free workout tracking application and service for your BlackBerry. Since then they have added a few features that Neil let us know about. They detailed them out in a forum thread on BBForums.

gymtechnikThe upgrade includes:

  • Ability to track your cardio exercise stats
  • Ability to create and track your own custom exercises
  • Extension of our progress reports for the new cardio and custom exercises
  • Extension of our progress reports to include endurance exercises for reps only exercises
  • New interface shortcuts to quickly add exercises to your workout routines with just one click
  • Ability to delete workouts directly from the workout calendar
  • Ability to turn off the downloading of exercise guidance images to your smart phone to save on data costs
  • Ability to view workout stats directly from the workout calendar on the web
  • Fixing of numerous bugs that caused user time out errors

Check out the new features at

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