Washington Mutual Mobile Website

If you are a Washington Mutual Customer, you probably already know about their Mobile Texting program. You text a specified word to WaMu and get the information your looking for. Such as: Bal for Balance, Hist for Transaction History, ATM for ATM locations, etc.

Well, as of September 1st, there is a new and improved, but way behind the times way of keeping tabs on your checking and savings accounts. Washington Mutual has finally jumped aboard the Mobile Website bandwagon. Now customers can use their internet-enabled cellphones and smartphones to access their accounts. Don’t worry, the website is secure.

And from the looks of it, its really easy to use. I perused the site and found it to be a quick way to get the information I was looking for. Which was the nearest ATM, my checking account balance, and transactions history. And for those of you who would look at the texted transaction history and say, “Where in the world did I spend that much at?”, the transaction history on the mobile website has detailed information for you. So you can say, “Ah, that’s where I spent it”. BONUS! You can now transfer funds!

All I can say about this is, FINALLY! You can check this out at http://m.wamu.com.

3 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. When I point my BB Browser to http://m.wamu.com, it does not give me the Login option! 🙁 I only have these:

    1. Log in instructions
    2. Find ATMs/Branches
    3. Mobile Banking FAQs
    4. How to Register
    5. Mobile Services Agreement

    I have an online account and have accessed it many times with my Berry, but with Opera Mini… Do I need to log in with my BB Browser first then try again?

  2. I will revise the post. It should also say that you’l need to sign up for the mobile service through the WaMu website. Sorry for the confusion.

  3. Yeah- I should have read the “How to log in” more carefully. Sorry about that. lol

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