Free ‘Small Blue World’ Bottom Dock Theme for Curve

Well the themes just keep on coming! Garys11 has just released a new theme called ‘Small Blue World’ which is a Bottom Dock theme for the Blackberry Curve. The way it came about is; he saw a wallpaper that he really liked and just had to create a theme around it. It’s actually a very well done theme and looks really sharp on-screen. An OTA for this theme (for Curve’s running OS 4.5) can be found at via this link.




13 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Very nice theme. Really would love it for my 8830. Please make it available for the 8800 series.

  2. not able to download it. I tried saving it to the desktop and also did an OTA. Neither one works.

  3. Currently we are trying to fix the WAP server issue. For some reason RIM has blocked the IP address of the website.

  4. Links are now working… was not Rim’s fault they were blocking my host…

  5. The wap issues are fixed, you can once again download this theme or any of the other great themes at

  6. Finally download this theme. Very nice, my new favourite..only wish the default font size on theme for text could be smaller.

  7. I cannot use the link provided either. However, I was able to locate it on the PimpMyBerry website (

    New problem: I’ve downloaded the jad file and rebooted my curve, but the theme doesn’t show in my /Options/Theme. I checked the /Options/Advanced/Applications and the theme (com_plazmic_theme_Blue_World) does appear in my list.

    Anyone know why this won’t install/load?

  8. Josh:

    It is most likely caused by this…youo need to have the default themes loaded on your device that it came with…like the default L and dimension today themes.

    If you deleted them, most of the custom themes will not work on your device.


  9. Also.. (hit send too early)…

    Make sure you have OS 4.5 installed on your device. this is a 4.5 theme only.

  10. @ Steve: the default theme(s) are still loaded. I even set the theme to the default, re-downloaded the Small Blue World theme, rebooted the curve…still doesn’t appear in my themes? It’s just odd that it is in my applications but not in my themes. Any other suggestions? I’d really like to use this theme. It’s beautiful!

  11. oh crap…just saw your other post. i’m on 4.3 with Verizon. guess i’ll have to search for an update there first. thanks steve!

  12. just found an update to version 4.5 on theme appeared and was loaded just fine after the 4.5 install. thanks again steve!

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