BlackBerry Bold OS Found Online

detectivestockI know that sadly many of us do not have a BlackBerry Bold but one of our secret agents sent in a link to the latest OS available for the Bold. If you do have a Bold it may be worth the upgrade and if you don’t it cant hurt if you plan on getting it later on. From what I can gather this is the OS that the AT&T Bold should be shipping with but I could not confirm that.

BlackBerry Bold 9000 OS
4.6.0 release 253

The link sent it was: 

NOTE: Do not install this software if you do not know what you are doing. It may make your BlackBerry FUBAR or just plain angry.

3 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. LOL!! Wonder if this will fix the hooped browser and app 205 crap that exists now!!

  2. ron is saying their insider at AT&T said the BB BOlD is shipping on Sept 12..please verify with ya intel ninjas so we can rejoice over here in NY. I’m sick n tired of AT&T/RIM for starving da market to make demand outrageous.

    ps: they are saying it gonna be $299 dollars with an upgrade i think.(better than Rogers up north)

  3. The ATT Bold will NOT be release on 9-12!

    Say that over and over as it will be Oct before you get it.

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