I know that sadly many of us do not have a BlackBerry Bold but one of our secret agents sent in a link to the latest OS available for the Bold. If you do have a Bold it may be worth the upgrade and if you don’t it cant hurt if you plan on getting it later on. From what I can gather this is the OS that the AT&T Bold should be shipping with but I could not confirm that.
BlackBerry Bold 9000 OS
4.6.0 release 253
The link sent it was: http://www.mediafire.com/?kzpmqqxqtjw
NOTE: Do not install this software if you do not know what you are doing. It may make your BlackBerry FUBAR or just plain angry.
Bla1ze Not Registered
Posted: August 29, 2008 at 1:00 AM EST
LOL!! Wonder if this will fix the hooped browser and app 205 crap that exists now!!
mo Not Registered
Posted: August 29, 2008 at 1:46 AM EST
ron gizmodo.com is saying their insider at AT&T said the BB BOlD is shipping on Sept 12..please verify with ya intel ninjas so we can rejoice over here in NY. I’m sick n tired of AT&T/RIM for starving da market to make demand outrageous.
ps: they are saying it gonna be $299 dollars with an upgrade i think.(better than Rogers up north)
Greg Gebhardt Not Registered
Posted: September 9, 2008 at 8:20 AM EST
The ATT Bold will NOT be release on 9-12!
Say that over and over as it will be Oct before you get it.