Terry sent in a tip about this cool service that I had not heard of before. Turns out that Ping.fm lets you update your social networks through quite a few interfaces. That means you can send a email/AIM/Gtalk/ or Yahoo Messenger IM and have it automatically update in quite a few locations. These locations include Twitter, Jaiku, WordPress, Tumbler, Pownce, LiveJournal, Blogger, Facebook, Myspace, … You get the point.
All you do is add Pink.fm as a contact in your IM client and setup an account and you are good to go… The service is still in beta so don’t expect any miracles but it definitely shows promise.
Check it out at www.ping.fm and let me know what you think!
Thanks Terry!
oakie Not Registered
Posted: August 26, 2008 at 8:03 PM EST
“vivalaping” (no quotes) is the current beta code required for registration.