When I read about this site on WapReview I had to mention it. Mike created a free site using MobileSiteGalore which lists the FBI Most Wanted Fugitives. This is the same list they have published around the country. The developer also added the most wanted terrorist, missing children, murders, and quite a few others. Very entertaining to pretend you are a bounty hunter during your down time. You never know. With the reward money offered for some of the people on the Most Wanted list you could buy yourself a good couple Bolds…
Check it out at www.fbimostwanted.mobi to check it out.
NicoleP888 Not Registered
Posted: August 23, 2008 at 4:23 AM EST
This is a great posts thanks! I want to catch one of these jerks one day!
windchime516 Not Registered
Posted: August 23, 2008 at 5:10 PM EST
cool site! great to know you can quickly check out someone from your blackberry.