After hearing from Rick a bit back its nice to see that the Fund is almost ready to go live. According to Priya Ganapati of TheStreet the Fund is set to announce 3-4 companies in the next few weeks. They plan on investing an impressive $2-$5 million into each company which is surprising. I just hope that the investments will actually be able to pay off. I agree with Neil’s sentiment that the Fund will have definite problems if they invest in BlackBerry only solutions.
On the other hand most of these investments will probably be focused on companies that are targeting multiple platforms. That will give the Fund a larger chance of success since not many BlackBerry application providers are making the kind of dough required for a Venture Capital round. In my humble opinion a YouMail, PhoneTag, or Jott like service would probably be perfect for the Fund. I am curious to see how this plays out.
On a side note, Simon caught the fact that the Partners Fund will finally be redoing their bare bones website this Friday.