Free X-Blue OS 4.5 Theme For 8100, 8300, 8700, & 8800

Josep let me know about a free theme by Xorphan on PinStack that really shows off the new Plazmic 4.5 CDK. The theme is called X-Blue and is very cutting edge. It has an upside-down “T” of icons on the main page that looks slick. The top bar is nice and simple and will go well with most backgrounds. The time is nice and big and easy to read. You do need to have OS 4.5 for this theme to work! I am not sure how it will work on an 8700 since I have not seen a 4.5 OS for the 8700.

xblue_final1 xblue_live

Nice work Xorphan. You can find the latest OTA links at this thread on PinStack.

5 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Nice theme, but can you customise the uoside down ‘T’ of the home screen to the icons you want?

  2. the 83XX link is broken

  3. good idea man

  4. the link seems to has been invalid,could you please upgrade it?

  5. Look, I like the theme, but I want the DAMN correct link!

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