Agendus For BlackBerry Beta Now Available

I know there are quite a few of you Palm & Windows Mobile users out there who have been waiting for this moment for quite awhile. Iambic is finally bringing Agendus to the BlackBerry OS. The Beta is already available and there are a ton of screenshots to please everybody. Agendus is essentially a personal information manager that lets you manage your calendar, tasks and more from your BlackBerry.

AGBB_Today1 AGBB_Today2a

Check out the beta page at this link or the screenshots page at this link (Registration required). There will be a 50% discount for beta users so I recommend trying it out. They have a whole forum dedicated to this Beta at this link.

To download you need to go to this link to get the desktop install file and then go to this link to get the beta registration code. They plan on implementing OTA install either later on in the beta or with the full release.

I don’t know why they decided to have so many different pages for the same beta…

Via Intomobile via MobilityToday

Feature list and known issues after the jump…

Build 109 feature list

  • Today View: provides an at-a-glance view of the day ahead, including meetings, tasks recent messages, calls and over-the-air facilities such as weather forecast and quote of the day.
  • Over-the-air functionality: Quote of the day, Day in History, Weather Forecast
  • 9- Day Weather Forecast dialog: presenting detailed forecast for the 9 days ahead.
  • One Day View Mode: presents appointments and tasks for any selected day, with day selector and category filtering support
  • Week View Grid Mode: presents 7 days worth of appointments and tasks in a grid-like layout, with week selector and category filter
  • Week View List Mode: presents appointments and tasks falling within the week, with week selector and category filter
  • Month View Expanded Mode: showing a month worth of pim data, along with details specific to the day selected
  • Task View List Mode: reports the complete task list, along with task status, grouping, category filtering, and date range filtering support
  • Contact List Compact Mode: “compact” listing of contacts, allowing to email / text / call contacts, and supporting category, alphabetical, and quick search filtering
  • Contact View Expanded Mode: detailed listing of contacts, allowing to email / text / call contacts and supporting category, alphabetical, and quick search filtering

Known Issues

  • Month View Expanded Mode is currently under construction, and therefore build 109 contains a link to the built-in calendar’s month view.
  • Preferences not fully implemented
  • Category Filtering in Task and Contact Views not exposed in this build
  • Today View: Interaction with Contacts on messages not present yet
  • Notes on Contacts do not show in “Detail Mode”
  • A few inconsistencies might be visible when creating or browsing through “All Day” type of events
  • Today View: Recent Messages not working as expected
  • Search / quick look-up facility not present yet when adding a contact to a meeting/task
  • Trial reminders are slightly inaccurate.
  • When using b109 we suggest to set the synchronization options for calendar to “desktop overwrite handheld” since from recent tests there might be some inconsistency introduced by Agendus for BlackBerry during record update. This will be addressed in the next beta build.
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  1. Does it integrate with the bb calendar and address book?

  2. I’ve used Agendus on the Palm platform, where it was integrated with the native PIM databases. I certainly hope the same holds true for the BlackBerry platform.

    I recall later versions of the Palm app getting rather bloated, and I tended to prefer the ‘lean and mean’ nature of a competitor (DateBk 6).

    I’m willing to give this a shot, mostly because I rather enjoyed the ability to link between PIM items (like linking meeting notes in Memo Pad to my boss’ contact entry in Address Book and our meeting appointment in Calendar). I think Agendus for Palm also worked with call log information, but my memory may be faulty on that point.

    Bottom line, I hope this is tightly integrated with native BB databases, and not just another Today screen compiler.

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