I guess RIM only meant that the AT&T Bold is having battery life and overheating issues. CrackBerry.com has got a solid rumor going that the Bold will be surfacing on Rogers in Canada on July 25th. Thats a few days after the launch parties. If you are a Rogers user rejoice!
Personally I think it is nice that Canada is getting a BlackBerry first. They usually get them after the US which is ironic. Hopefully we wont be waiting to long if this August release date pans out for AT&T.
The problem is I am getting antsy waiting here for my Bold. Anybody up for some smuggling?
Jason Marks Not Registered
Posted: July 13, 2008 at 8:29 PM EST
I heard supplies for the Rogers Blackberry Bold will be made available on http://www.shopandsave.com