DreamBerry Idea – Scrabulous Multiplayer For BlackBerry Please?

ScrabulousEasy yet addictive games are great for the BlackBerry which is demonstrated by the success of RIM’s BrickBreaker & Magmic’s Texas Hold’em. On the other hand other than Texas Hold’em we don’t have any other multiplayer games.

So I am proposing an idea. Somebody (RIM? Magmic?) should develop a simple multiplayer turn based game that you can play with other BlackBerry players. This would be a great followup to BrickBreaker.

Personally I don’t play Scrabulous on Facebook since I never have time but I would definitely play it on my BlackBerry. Imagine having multiple scrabble games going on simultaneously on your BlackBerry that you can easily switch between. You could even get an email when it is your turn!

So guys is it possible or am I just dreaming again… Got any other brilliant ideas for BlackBerry? Send them in to [email protected]

4 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Super Idea. When can we expect to see Turn-based multiplayer strategy games on BlackBerry, like Warlords? Remember Warlords?

  2. This is something I’ve always wanted on my BB but they do have a scrabble game by mobileEA, but ofc its not multiplayer thou.

    Let us know if you find something.

  3. I would pay for multiplayer scrabulous on the BB. I love that game!

  4. You know I was thinking about a multiplayer game a week ago. This has to be some kind of confirmation lolz. I’m gonna try something out after I get done with my current project. =D


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