FAQ: Help With Translating Letters Into Phone Numbers

PhonekeypadI know I always have the problem of dialing phone numbers with letters on my BlackBerry. Don’t get me wrong, I know that if I hit SHIFT while dialing the letters it will convert it to the appropriate numbers. The problem is that sometimes I actually need to know what the number was that I dialed.

This used to not be a problem with OS 4.2 since when I dialed a 800 number with letters it would convert it to numbers and it would show the numbers in the call log. This no longer works. For some reason RIM changed it to show the letters in the call log now.

Sooooo… Luciano gave me this very useful image to easily translate numbers into letters. Now it is permanently stored on my BlackBerry memory card. I thought I would share it

2 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. If you are truly concerned about this you could make the image your Background 🙂

  2. I had the same problem! Well thats how I found this.. >.>
    You think companies would realize newer phones don’t do this anymore like the blackberry, sidekick, etc.
    Why cant they just write the numbers out??

    Well thank you.

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