Jason Calhoun has released another free theme that Stefano brought to my attention. The theme is called AT&T bottom zen and is meant for AT&T users. The theme has a really nice orange and blue styling. It has a very clean top bar which is sadly missing the profiles icon. The icons are custom and look very nice.
The theme is available for OTA download only for OS 4.2.2+ 8300 & 8800 devices at this link. Thanks Jason!
Bla1ze Not Registered
Posted: June 3, 2008 at 2:12 AM EST from my BlackBerry 8300
Nice, but it looks like someone has been playing with Plazmic 4.3..bottom dock is not customizable and the no profiles icon just irritates me..Ohhh how I long to have my “crossbar” theme back..it was lost in the great Curve crash of ’08 lmao!!
Randy R. Not Registered
Posted: June 3, 2008 at 8:02 AM EST
I like the icons except for the background :-X
Dee Not Registered
Posted: June 3, 2008 at 4:07 PM EST
I like the color combination. Wish I had control of the bottom icons though.
Dave Not Registered
Posted: June 3, 2008 at 4:11 PM EST
Gosh, I wish I could get this theme for my 8130!!!
Jason Not Registered
Posted: June 3, 2008 at 5:20 PM EST
I like this theme and I know it’s free but wish I could change the bottom icons. The SMS icon shows up as a blank on my phone and it would be nice to be able to change it to something else.