Free AT&T Bottom Zen Theme For 8300 & 8800

Jason Calhoun has released another free theme that Stefano brought to my attention. The theme is called AT&T bottom zen and is meant for AT&T users. The theme has a really nice orange and blue styling. It has a very clean top bar which is sadly missing the profiles icon. The icons are custom and look very nice.


The theme is available for OTA download only for OS 4.2.2+ 8300 & 8800 devices at this link. Thanks Jason!


5 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Nice, but it looks like someone has been playing with Plazmic 4.3..bottom dock is not customizable and the no profiles icon just irritates me..Ohhh how I long to have my “crossbar” theme was lost in the great Curve crash of ’08 lmao!!

  2. I like the icons except for the background :-X

  3. I like the color combination. Wish I had control of the bottom icons though.

  4. Gosh, I wish I could get this theme for my 8130!!!

  5. I like this theme and I know it’s free but wish I could change the bottom icons. The SMS icon shows up as a blank on my phone and it would be nice to be able to change it to something else.

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