New BlackBerry KickStart looks KickAss !

Dam it RIM ! 

I had my heart set on the new BlackBerry Bold but now it seems they are going to throw another handset into the equation. I have always been a huge fan of Flip-Phones (especially Clam shell style) ever since I had my Motorola V600 all those years ago. 

CrackBerry have released a few details of the new KickAss, sorry, I mean Kickstart for you to drool over.


From CrackBerry; “The BlackBerry KickStart is getting a little more REAL each and every day. Following up on yesterday’s latest KickStart sighting, today we are bringing you an exclusive first look at the BlackBerry Flip Experience. 

From the slides you can see RIM is not sacrificing any of the BlackBerry experience on the KickStart. When it comes to making calls the KickStart will work like any other flip, and when it comes to messaging, flipping the KickStart open will be like pulling an existing BlackBerry Device model from its holster. As one would expect, you will be able to use the music player with the phone closed.

On the rumor end of things, we’ve received word that the BlackBerry KickStart will ultimately ship with OS version 5.0 (Bold owners will be able to upgrade from 4.6 to 5.0 when released).”

For more pictures and browse the reader comments just hit ; Exclusive: The BlackBerry KickStart Flip Experience .

Thanks CrackBerry for the info and RIM for catering for another part of the cell phone using fraternity. 

2 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Greg, I thought you were on VZW? If so, no Bold (or Kickstart for that matter) for you! You will have to hold out for Thunder.

  2. I’m taking a guess at ‘VZW’ is Verizon. If so, no, Optus network, Australia…

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