MO-Call supports the Blackberry

The IT News has just published a press release whereby MO-Call announces the addition of the Blackberry platform to their list of supported phones. I had never heard of MO-Call before, but apparently it is popular in the UK. If you crave using their service but never did because your Blackberry was not supported, you’ve just run out of excuses. Here is an excerpt of the announcement:

London, May 29, PRNewswire: Morodo Ltd. is pleased to announce that its popular low-cost calling software, MO-Call, is now available for Blackberry mobiles. MO-Call provides seamless international calling from the Blackberry Curve 8300, 8310 and 8320; Pearl 8100, 8110, 8120 and 8130; and the Blackberry 8800, 8820 and 8830.
James Barnes, Morodo’s Technical Director, said, “MO-Call for Blackberry mobiles has been developed to offer a seamless way of using the MO-Call service. It’s simple to make calls, once the application is switched on, just dial and save.”

The rest is mostly just corporatese and announcementese, but you may click the link above if that is your cup of tea.

Be warned, however, that according to their FAQ the service is only available to owners of UK-based mobile phones. You can check the site for yourself HERE and the FAQ HERE. Parts of the site won’t work without Javascript.

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  1. Thanks for posting about MO-Call.

    Just to clarify a point, anyone can register for MO-Call, you don’t have to be from the UK. MO-Call Home works in 32 countries, MO-Call World works everywhere else. You can read more about how MO-Call works here:

    Apologies for the error in our FAQ, this is being corrected.

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