Review: TellMe (Microsoft) GPS service


Review: TellMe
[rating:6.0] 6.0/10
Cost: Free

bbscreen-berghos-3-80.jpg Tellme who is a newly acquired subsidiary of Microsoft that provides a free information service. Getting information is fun and easy via voice commands or by calling 1-800-555-TELL toll-free. It’s a bit “gimmicky” or “gadgety”, but I have to say it is growing on me the more I use it. Click on the app and then on your phone button, simply say “pizza” and it shows you where the nearest pizza joint is based on your GPS position.

Click on your choice and have the option to call, see a map, get directions or even share it with a friend via SMS.


Say “weather” and get the local weather. Say “traffic” and get the local traffic.


OK? I guess you are getting the idea. I was surprised at how well the voice recognition works. It pretty much recognizes anything you say. Even at a distance of about three feet it does well. I have my 8820 in a cradle on my dashboard and it recognizes what I say even with road noise. You can even get directions to anywhere you want to go and I have to say they are accurate. It would be nice if it gave you voice turn by turn directions, but for now you will have to settle for print and some jazzy icons.


Calling 1-800-555-TELL will get you voice information on sports, movies and show times, stocks, horoscopes, etc. Say “travel” and get info on flights, rental cars, hotels and more. There is an endless amount of information on just about any topic. Hey, even try your hand at some blackjack. Save whatever you want to your favorites to access it quickly next time you call.

I was a bit skeptical at first. I always am when it comes to voice recognition apps. For me they just never really deliver. However this one is pretty cool. Like I said it grows on you. I don’t think it will ever replace my Telenav but it certainly was fun playing with it over the past few days. This is one of the apps I actually will keep and continue to use. It’s defiantly worth a try. It’s a good bit of fun.

Steve Berghorn

8 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Again, it is sad this cool product won’t even let you install if you don’t have a GPSberry. Surely they can replicate Google’s MyLocation via tower signal? No? Anyone? Bueller?

  2. That is untrue that :this cool product won’t even let you install if you don’t have a GPSberry”. I installed on my VZW BlackBerry 8830 with no problems — it also works with Bluetooth GPS “pucks”.

  3. Thanks for not providing a link! Maybe elaborate next time on HOW to get it and what devices are supported…the website is and is not available for 8130, which is a GPSberry! Also what about this app deserves only a 6.0?

  4. Ok, I’m hooked!

  5. This is a great app! Installed on my AT&T 8310 perfectly. The mobile OTA link is if anyone needs. This will definitely be replacing my Beyond 411 if the amazement continues with this product!

  6. Besides apps you need to install on a phone, when it comes to free directory assistance, you have LOTS of choices. They differ in some important ways, so try them all out and see which one(s) you prefer. With this many companies trying to get our search attention, you may want to try them all every so often just to see what’s new! Grin!

    I prefer the ones that have operators to help when the automation doesn’t recognize me, that get me ACCURATE information fast, and that also don’t restrict me to only business searches – sometimes I need to find people, too!

    1-800-YellowPages (800-935-5697)
    1-800-2ChaCha (800-224-2242)
    1-800-411-SAVE (800-411-7283)
    1-800-555-Tell (800-555-8355)
    1-800-Call-411 (800-225-5411)
    1-800-Call-Dex (800-225-5339)
    1-800-Free-411 (800-373-3411)
    1-800-Goog-411 (800-466-4411)
    1-800-Info-Fast (800-463-6327)
    1-800-The-Info (800-843-4636)

  7. I can not get passed the step 1 once I click AT&T it does nothing.

  8. TellMe just became available for non-GPS phones, like the 8320.

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