SameCell – Now Out Of Beta – Facebook Integration

Samecelloutofbetablackberry-screen2We have told you about SameCell before when it was first announced for BlackBerry. The application lets you know when your friends on SameCell are nearby. The SameCell application is now out of beta and has added a bevy of features. The best feature is that the software remains Free!

The SameCell application uses locations of cell towers (and GPS if available) to report your proximity to your friends. It also hooks up with your BlackBerry address book to find you friends that are on SameCell.

They have also recently added a Facebook application that integrates your location with SameCell to let your friends know where you are. The nice part is that SameCell now also works with other phones VIA SMS and with the iPhone and iPod Touch so it now has a bigger audience.

How to get SameCell:

First of all check to make sure your BlackBerry is supported. They support everything after the 7200 series so you should be fine.

Then you just need to visit from your BlackBerry browser to download the application. Or you can go to this link to email the setup link to your BlackBerry.

If you want to hook it up with your Facebook account check out this link for more info.

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