Get In Line For The SlingPlayer BlackBerry Client Beta!

Slingplayervideoliveces5_smallnewoneOne of our readers, AnoNymous , just sent me a link to this post on Sling Medias forum about their new beta program for BlackBerry. I thought this would be pretty slick after seeing the live demo of SlingPlayer for BlackBerry at CES. I did some digging and signed up for their beta system at this link:

You need to click the register button and then fill out the information requested. You then will be taken to the SlingPlayer Beta portal which is pretty slick. You can then follow the directions below found on the News & Updates section of the Sling Media beta portal:

The rumors are true…. we’ve been tinkering around with a BlackBerry to the point that we’ll be able to demo video streaming at CES in Las Vegas, January 7 – 10, 2008!

However, the beta program is still a ways off.  If you’d like to be notified when we’re ready to recruit for it (down the road), follow the steps below.

FYI, Vicky, our Product Manager Extraordinaire, spent much of 2007 in discussions with Research in Motion (RIM)–directly in response to customer requests.  Now that they’re moving towards supporting streaming video, we’re jumping at the chance to develop a client for the platform.


You will need both a Slingbox and a BlackBerry to be considered for participation.  To let us know that you have these items:

  1. On the left panel, click “Add Platform”
  2. Then click “Computers & Handhelds” to add your BlackBerry info; click “Slingbox” to add your Slingbox; and add anything else you want us to know about.
  3. It will also help greatly to complete the User Profile (also left panel), as we’ll be looking for a diversity of people.
  4. Lastly: Make sure your EMAIL ADDRESS is accurate: click on Personal Account to check.

Again, the beta program won’t be starting for awhile (no dates yet), but if you do the above, we’ll keep you in the loop of important dates. You’re also welcome to check back here, anytime.

Sling on!
Sharon Rylander
Beta Manager, Sling Media

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