I just read on BBCool about a new free application for BlackBerry devices that allows you to view all the constellations, planets, and stars that you should be able to see from your current location. The software just has you punch in your location (via postal/zip code or lat/long) and it will show you a graphic image of the sky and the constellations that are visible. You can read more about Starry Night here or you can download the application for your BlackBerry from this location. The application is kind of clunky but I will definitely be trying it out tonight.
OTA Download link: www.starrynightsupport.com/
luc-movel Not Registered
Posted: October 30, 2007 at 12:39 AM EST
Didn’t work on my Curve. 🙁
PatrickInSf Not Registered
Posted: November 2, 2007 at 1:56 PM EST
It doesn’t work on my 8700, either. It installs fine, but after plugging in either my zip code or manually punching in my lat/long, after I hit SEND, it just goes to a white screen. Too bad… it looks like a fun little application.
qotsa1369 Not Registered
Posted: March 28, 2009 at 3:29 AM EST
Works on my BB Curve 8330 for Sprint!
And I love it cuz… I love stars. lol >.<